Gene Expression

TDG CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human thymine DNA glycosylase

Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)

TPD52L3 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human TPD52 like 3

Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)

CYP3A4 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 4

Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)

CYP2J2 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily J member 2

Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)

CYP2E1 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily E member 1

Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)